About Bryant's Weather Wall

Bryant's Weather Map Wall began as a simple HTML document for personal use on my computer. In late 2013, that file was slightly modified and uploaded to the internet. Shortly afterword, the webcams were moved to a seperate page creating a second page.

In the summer of 2014, Bryant's Weather Wall underwent a major expansion and renovation. A new logo, design, more pages, and a wealth of new information were revealed on November 1, 2014.

A long overdue redesign of the website began in 2020 and was finally unveiled in 2022. The old classic red design was replaced with a simplified 'weather map' look.

The goal of this site is to eventually eliminate all of my Weather bookmarks. I am always updating the website. Check back soon for new updates!


About Bryant

I have been passionate about the weather since 2003 when Hurricane Isabel made landfall in North Carolina. From there my interest in the weather has only grown stronger. I graduated from Penn State in May of 2015 with a Bachelor of Science in Meteorology.

In addition to weather, my hobbies include (but are not limited to) Lego, photography (Instagram), this website, hiking, eating cereal, browsing the internet (mostly weather stuff), using oxford commas, and saying witty stuff.

Email Me: bryant [at] stormsellweather.com


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